June 08, 2009

Media Pressure on Kids

My son came to me today telling me that he was afraid of becoming a teenager. After overcoming my bewilderment, I asked why? Apparently he was working on his Kumon reading worksheet which talked about the pressure on teens to be thin. It mentioned how for a lot of them, the diet pill seemed to be the quickest way to acceptance. Everyday our kids are bombarded with conflicting messages from the media. We see commercials about delicious food pushing us to indulge. On the other hand, we get the impression that being thin or muscular is the ideal body. How do kids survive in this day and age? They have to grow up strong and secure. They have to know who they are and how God made them. They have to be know that we parents love them. I ended the conversation with my son saying that he has 4 more years before he becomes a teenager. By then I would have built security in his life with God's help.