July 25, 2009

Extreme Makeover Home Edition-Generosity to the Extreme

I love watching makeovers. One particular show I like watching is ABC's Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I am so amazed at how generous and giving people can be. From the design team, the crew, the volunteers, the corporate sponsors and all those behind the scenes folks who contribute in their own little way to give a needy family a fresh start. I always anticipate the big reveal to see the before and after shots. In my brain, I'm calculating all the living room and furniture deals, tv deals, kitchen, bathrooms, garage, pool and all the other parts of the house that have been given by their sponsors. It's mind-blowing! And it's not just the homes they makeover, they even give the family a little boost with scholarships, rebates on utilities if not covering them fully, mortgages paid - it is generosity pumped up to the extreme. Charity is still a virtue that speaks louder than words. More power, ABC!